Hendricks House Group

Outpatient Program

-- Individual & Group Counseling

Outpatient Program

Hendricks House Group provides an outpatient program for adults on the Millville campus.  The Outpatient program focuses on overall quality-of-life improvement and strengthening of relapse prevention skills. The outpatient program provides a minimum of 3 hours of treatment per week and focuses on assisting clients in maintaining sobriety while living in the community.  

Hendricks House Group Intense Outpatient Program2
Hendricks House Group Outpatient Program

Your Recovery Begins Here.

Learn more about our admissions processes and criteria

-- FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to the questions we are asked the most about our facilities and programs.

If you don’t find the answers to the questions you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact us.

Hendricks House Group has 3 campuses, located in Atlantic and Cumberland counties.  If you are interested in continuing your treatment at one of our Hendricks House Locations, work with the social worker/discharge planner at your current treatment facility and ask them to send a referral packet.  Once a referral packet is received, a screener will be in touch to set up an interview.

Hendricks House Group is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  We accept all NJ Fee For Service programs, for example: NJSI, SJI, DUII, MAP, Recovery Court.  We also have a contract with ISP.  All referrals can contact the NJ IME at 844-276-2777

Hendricks House Group’s length of stay varies by clinical necessity. The counselor and client will work together through an individualized treatment and discharge plan to determine duration, but most clients stay between 120-180 days.

Hendricks House Group works with local employers and agencies to ensure that clients are employed while at Hendricks House Group.  Clients are transported to and from work daily.  Hendricks House Group has a savings plan for clients.

Get the help you need

Hendricks House Group offers the help you need through our in-patient and out-patient programs.

Click on the admissions button below to start your road to recovery.

Join us as we celebrate the opening of our Millville Campus

You’re invited for Breakfast and a Tour!